Transformational Healing

Susan Gash &

Sven Carlson

Susan and Sven are based in Mallorca, Spain. They lead Transformational Leadership Workshops and Retreats to assist others in stepping into their brilliance and innate healing gifts.

“All roads lead up the mountain, yet, only one road is where your heart wants to go…” The Spirit Doctor Team.  

Let´s discover that road together.


Susan and Sven have spent decades both learning and teaching different modalities.  Visit the about page to read their full bios.



Learn how to Dowse with Susan and Sven’s online course.

Spirit Doctor Team Healing

Explore more in-depth work with the Spirit Doctor Team via Susan’s  courses.

Private sessions

Be it a Dowsing session or a private Spirit Doctor Team Healing, Susan and Sven are here for you.

Sven Carlson has masterfully put together an introductory booklet and dowsing card kit to help you dive into your dowsing practice with confidence.

These e-files are both PDF’s. If you would like to print them yourself please email us after you purchase the electronic materials.

You can buy a printed version of the book from or a set (book and kit) from the College of Psychic Studies gift store in London.

Purchase the Dowsing card kit ( electronic format) for 15€ 

Dowsing Learning Material

by Sven Carlson

Purchase the booklet ( electronic format) for 15€